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Sébastien Forget
 Professor Université Sorbonne Paris Nord


Sébastien Forget obtained an engineering degree from Ecole Centrale de Marseille (France) in 1998.
After a Master in Optics and Photonics from University Paris XI (now Paris Saclay, France), he obtained a PhD in Laser Physics from the Institut d'Optique Graduate School in 2003 (Paris Saclay University, France)
In 2005, he joined the Laser Physics Laboratory at Sorbonne Paris North University as Associate Professor, and started working on organic photonics, from OLEDs to organic lasers. He became full Professor in 2021.
On the teaching side, he is in charge of the Energetics pathway of the SupGalilée engineering School and gives lectures on optics, photometry, solar energy, lasers (...) at various levels.


​ORCID page (publication list)

Google Scholar page

Exaly page (open access/free bibliometry)


Short CV





Short CV


Laser Physics Lab
Sorbonne Paris North University

(ex Paris 13)

Associate Professor (HDR 2017) then Professor (since 2021)
Topics : organic photonics.
OLEDs, Photophysics of organic materials, organic lasers, organic semiconductors


MPQ lab
University of Paris (ex Paris 7)

Post Doc
Quantum Cascade Lasers
Thermal effects, thermal imaging


Institut d'Optique Graduate School
Paris Saclay University (ex Paris 11)


Ecole Centrale de Marseille
DEA Optics and Photonics (Paris 11)

Solid state lasers
non linear optics
ultrashort pulses

Engineering and Master degree in Optics and Photonics


Elected Member of the “Conseil National des Universités” (CNU, National University Council, section 30 "optics and diluted matter"): 2015-2019 and 2020-2024

Elected Member of the Expert Commitee in charge of recruitement and promotions at Sorbonne Paris North university ("Optics and diluted matter" section (30)). Vice president: 2008-2018, member : 2019-2024.

Nominated Member of the Expert Commitee at Institut d’Optique Graduate School, Paris 11 University (2015-2020).
Elected member of the LPL Lab Board (2014-2018)

Communication manager for the LPL between 2009 and 2014



PI of the ANR “PULSE” Grant (2020-2024, 380 k€)
PI of the ANR “VECSPRESSO” Grant (2012-2014, 250 k€)
co-PI of the ANR “BACHELOR” Grant (Young researcher, 2008-2010, 150 k€)

Member (Local PI or Workpackage Leader) of the ANR projects EDELVEIS (2012-2016, 450 k€), NEWLIGHT (2021-2025, 600 k€), and MELODIE (2023-2027, 500 k€)
IEA (International Emerging Actions) with Kyushu University (several months spent in Japan, with JSP-ERATO Funding, in C.Adachi’s Lab)

+ smaller grants from LABEX SEAM, CNRS, Sorbonne Paris Nord University (BQR), C-nano…



Supervison of 8 PhD Students: 2 as main supervisor (Directeur de thèse), 6 as co-supervisor

  • Vice president (2013-2019), then President (2019-2023) of the scientific board of the french conference "Horizons de l'Optique" (Societé Française d'Optique).

  • Member of several selection committee for assistant professor recruitement at Paris 7, Paris 11 and Paris 13 universities

  • Expert for the OMNT (Observatoire des Micro et Nanotechnologies)

  • Scientific Expert for ANR (French research agency), ERC (European Research Council), NSERCC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)

  • Arnulf-Françon Prize (French Optical Society) in 2021 for the MOOC “la Physique, vive[z] l’expérience”

  • Finalist of the Jean Jerphagnon Prize (2012)

  • Finalist of the science popularization price “le gout des sciences” (2010)

  • Associate director (“directeur des études”) of the engineering school “Sup Galilée –Energetics” at Sorbonne Paris North University. Also responsible of the 2nd year (Bac+4).
    Around 200 h annual teaching hours, for students between Bac+1 and Bac+5 (corresponding to students between 18 and 23 years old): Electronics, Wave propagation, general Optics, Laser, Signal, Photometry and Radiometry, Solar Energy…

  • Conception and realization of the MOOC “la physique, vive[z] l’expérience” at Sorbonne Paris North University (with C.Daussy and S.Chénais), broadcasted in 2018, 2019 and 2020, on FUN platform. Audience for the first session was around 4000 people and around 11 hours of video were produced. Topics: Invisibility, 3D vision, Gravity and Levitation, Green engines, communication at the speed of light. Each topic lasts one week and is leaning on experimental demonstration and active participation of the audience, through forums, quiz and “home-made” experiments posted on-line by the participants.

  • Member of the board of the "optics4engineers" / "optique pour l'ingénieur". The project was to provide free on-line lectures and e-learning in optics:
    On-line courses: optical resonators and Gaussian beams, laser: fundamentals, lasers and applications (around 200 slides, in french),  OLEDs (in French and in English)

  • Member and Webmaster of the Atouts Science organization (
    Creation and presentation (each year for the National French event “Fête de la Science”) of numerous science experiments for a broad audience.

  • Numerous mainstream conferences and papers, especially about lasers (history, scientific principle and role in fictional works)



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